Worship Services

Our worship services occur every Sunday beginning at 11:45 a.m. and last for about an hour. On the second Sunday of each month, our service is on Zoom only. To attend a worship service on Zoom, click here. All other Sundays we meet in person in the sanctuary at Faith Presbyterian Church, and we simultaneously stream the service on Zoom.

The links below include descriptions of past services without videos. If you are a church member and would like to see a video of a particular past service that is not available at the link above, contact the Worship Team at worship@wildflowerchurch.org.

Interested in seeing or hearing something in Worship? Let the worship team know.


Upcoming Service

Sunday Service

January 26, 2025

Join us for our Sunday service at 11:45am, on Zoom.

To attend a worship service via Zoom, click here.

Masks are optional in the sanctuary.

Written Descriptions of Past Services

Circle ‘Round for Justice, Healing, Courage was the theme for the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA) 2021. Piaf Azul, Cathy Cramer, Axton Krantz, and Aly Tharp attended the virtual GA…

On the Brink

We have long chosen a spiritual path of community building for collective liberation. Yet we also face forces, internal and external, that threaten our existence. We live in a world…

Sunday Service

Gathering Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QizbZxg2E4A&t=2s; Science Fiction Double Feature - performed at the Playhouse Theater in London Land Acknowledgement - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vmDGwfoJH8&t=1s; COVID-19 | Anishinaabe Pandemic Prophecies TFAA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obOn-bDEhow&t=3s; Big Block…
In the first of two services with the theme of “Space Church”, we’ll travel with Commander Benjamin Sisko of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine into a constructed wormhole to meet…

Brave Democracy

Democracy is a work in progress. That work is often messy and scary, but we must envision a better democracy and bravely lean into action to bring it to life.…
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