Worship Services

Our worship services occur every Sunday beginning at 11:45 a.m. and last for about an hour. On the second Sunday of each month, our service is on Zoom only. To attend a worship service on Zoom, click here. All other Sundays we meet in person in the sanctuary at Faith Presbyterian Church, and we simultaneously stream the service on Zoom.

The links below include descriptions of past services without videos. If you are a church member and would like to see a video of a particular past service that is not available at the link above, contact the Worship Team at worship@wildflowerchurch.org.

Interested in seeing or hearing something in Worship? Let the worship team know.


Upcoming Service

Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary

February 09, 2025

In this Zoom-only service, we continue our February theme of We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For. A church requires shared ownership. And, we need each other. How can we be a living sanctuary for each other? What might be called for to have Wildflower feel like a place of refuge for body and spirit in these unsettling times?  And what might each of us do to support this? Sonia Steen, our Director of Children’s and Youth Religious Education, will lead us in this service of reflection.

To attend a worship service via Zoom, click here.

Masks are optional in the sanctuary.

Written Descriptions of Past Services

This Sunday we celebrate welcoming new members to Wildflower and remember our commitment to being a part of a congregation–a group of real people, full human beings, in covenant with…
In this blended service both in person and on Zoom, we will listen to this sermon offered by the Rev. Tyler Coles, UUA Congregational Life Field Staff member. In the…
Drawing inspiration from some of the music, poetry, and speeches of the civil rights movement and the liberation era, we’ll think about one of the most revolutionary prophetic dreams of…

Such a Vision!

What is the Beloved Community? Who dreamed it first and what did they mean by it? Let’s sift through history and theology to learn from wise ones, and chart our…
The winter holiday season has come to a close and we have just entered a new year. It is a liminal time in which we hover between the year just…
Susie Epstein invites us to join her as she explores her Jewish identity during this sacred time of Winter Equinox, Christmas, Chanukkah and Kwanza while acknowledging the Israeli genocide in…
Join us for a time of reflection as we pause to celebrate the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the calendar year, and look forward to the return of the…
December 15th is the third Sunday of Advent, the season of joyous anticipation before the coming of Christmas. Join Wildflower Chaplain Bis Thornton for an adventure through the Gospel stories…
This time of year can be so emotionally taxing. We are told it's the happiest of times, but often it feels anything but.  And that before we even begin to…
“If all the lights in the world grew dim, it will not hurt you. For the light in your heart still shines bright.” -13th-century, Sufi poet, Rumi   The fall…
Especially after the recent election, and with the holidays approaching, we want to think together about the relevance of Nonviolent Communication (including within families), and classic Gandhian and Kingian Nonviolence…
In light of recent events that have affected the current media climate and how we all relate to each other, it’s important to remember the principles of community and comforting…
As we continue our month-long theme of Comforting Light, we will take time to meditate, dream, imagine, and breathe, honoring our own inner light and the comforting lights that surround…
How might our personal lives, family practices, and ancient myths weave together into new wisdom about death? Join Bis Thornton in a journey through sacred stories about death and loss,…
This Sunday we celebrate Unitarian Universalism by welcoming new members to Wildflower. Join us for this meaningful service uplifting our shared values and our beloved community. After the service, join…
[et_pb_section admin_label="section"] [et_pb_row admin_label="row"] [et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text"]The year was 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were running for president, and Erin Walter was serving as Wildflower's intern minister. During that…
This online service, entitled Love in Action, might be a little different than Zoom services we’ve had before. It’s a dinner church service, so there’s a sense that we’re all sitting…
This month, Wildflower Church is focusing on Unitarian Universalism 101. In line with that focus, we'll be discussing the seven values that Unitarian Universalists agree to uphold with one another--transformation,…
Throughout religious history, revivals have marked periods of resurgence in people’s commitment to their faith traditions.  Classic American tent revivals took people out of the four walls of the church…
It’s the Autumn Equinox, one of two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length. Spiritually, the autumnal…
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