Teams at Wildflower

Teams do much of the work of the church with our mission as their guide — growing spiritually together, spreading love, justice, and joy! The church benefits from many individuals’ contributions of their time and talents. No task is too small to contribute meaningfully to our community. Team members often develop close bonds while working together, and you don’t have to be a member of the church to participate. If you’re interested in serving on a team, contact the leadership listed below. We’d be glad to have you!

The leaders of each team meet with the Board regularly in a loose-knit group called the Team Council. The Council helps coordinate the teams’ work to better serve the church’s needs.

Pastoral Care

Team Chair: Jan Austin (she/her)

The Pastoral Care Team works closely with Wildflower Chaplain Bis Thornton (he/she) to provide help to Wildflower individuals and families experiencing challenging life events. We assist with rides to medical appointments; meal trains; cards and messages of condolence, healing, and congratulation: and deep listening in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Chaplain Thornton and Team members host Coffee and Conversation groups on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 and welcome all to the group who want to share ideas, interests, and some good laughs to join us.

We have no regularly scheduled team meetings and keep in touch with our small group through email and phone calls.

We need more members who can help, especially with transportation and meal trains. If you would like to help, please contact We will welcome your assistance.

Social Action Council

Team Chair: Paula Vaughan

During the 2020 – 2021 timeframe of the pandemic, this SAC function was not really coordinated until we had the need to create a panel to decide on recipients of a $20,000 UUA Disaster Grant. At that time, key people who were participating in these prior teams were drawn in along with others representing more current issues and community relations.

Current Panel

The panel concept was extended to review of Second Offering candidates. It is now composed of Paula Vaughan (facilitator), Jan Austin, Dee Adams, Susan Lippman, Skye Howell, Sheila Rae, Michele Matula, and Edie Clark.

Values and Goals Criteria

Wildflower Church Members are invited to make suggestions for a nonprofit to be the Second Offering recipient. Guidelines: 1) It must be a nonprofit; 2) Should be aligned with our values and Social Justice goals; 3) Ideally it is a local organization serving our communities or advocating for Social Justice.


No other events other than the Second Offering recipient selection. If other major grants are pursued for Social Action projects, this council could perform distribution decisions or assist in monitoring the requirements and reporting for the grant(s).

Contact the Social Action Council at

2024 Second Offering recipients:

  • Kind Clinic
  • Welcome Table
  • Travis Early College High School
  • Austin Youth River Watchers


Team Chair: Jan Austin (she/her)

The Finance Team works with the Board of Trustees and Team Chairs, to develop a budget for each coming year. This proposed budget is then voted on by the congregation at the Winter Congregational Meeting. The Team conducts an internal audit of the church’s financial records each spring and presents the results of the audit to the Spring Congregational Meeting.

The Finance Team is active on two primary occasions: budget development and internal audit. During these activities several members are needed to complete the tasks.

Contact the Finance Team at