Teams at Wildflower

Teams do much of the work of the church with our mission as their guide — growing spiritually together, spreading love, justice, and joy! The church benefits from many individuals’ contributions of their time and talents. No task is too small to contribute meaningfully to our community. Team members often develop close bonds while working together, and you don’t have to be a member of the church to participate. If you’re interested in serving on a team, contact the leadership listed below. We’d be glad to have you!

The leaders of each team meet with the Board regularly in a loose-knit group called the Team Council. The Council helps coordinate the teams’ work to better serve the church’s needs.

Adult Religious Education

Team Chair(s): Susie Epstein

This team supports the development of adult classes and small groups at Wildflower to facilitate people’s spiritual growth informed by the UU principles and sources and Wildflower Church’s mission, values and goals. The team designs innovative offerings for members and visitors and recruits facilitators to lead them.

Learn more about current Adult Religious Education

Children’s and Youth Religious Education
Under the leadership of the director, Wildflowers assemble to create and support learning opportunities for children and youth that are in sync with the mission and goals of Wildflower Church. Learn more about our Children’s and Youth Religious Education programs.

Communications and Technology

Communications and Tech helps the whole church publicize its programs and its active justice agenda from a strategic and operational perspective. Roles include identifying improvements to enhance our publicity and communication tools and practices, keeping our church visible on social media, updating the website, and assisting teams with needs as they arise. See our Image Policies here.

Disability Advisory Group (DAG)

Team Chair(s): Susie Epstein & Alyxis Dickerhoof-Mize

The DAG’s goal is to continue working with Wildflowers and visitors to identify and remove all barriers to full inclusion and participation for people with disabilities in all WFC activities.  The DAG serves as “subject matter experts” in planning fully inclusive worship services, welcoming diverse visitors and prospective members, planning congregational events, and all other activities that occur on our campus and on-line, and also at off-campus locations for WFC sponsored events.  The DAG also offers periodic Disability Awareness Trainings for all Wildflowers and friends.

Learn more about the DAG.


Team Chair(s): Cory Lemoine

This team, elected by the congregation, monitors and makes decisions to ensure the health and growth of the church’s endowment fund.

Facilities & Safety

Team Chair(s): Allen Fisher

This team performs maintenance on and makes minor improvements to our leased space, works with other Wildflower teams and groups on projects and events involving physical facilities, and develops and implements procedures for dealing with threats to safety of congregants. It collaborates with Faith Presbyterian through periodic meetings of a joint Space Sharing team to discuss physical plant and safety matters and resolve issues arising from our lease agreement or our shared campus arrangement.



Team Chair(s): Jan Austin

The Finance team develops and oversees the annual budget. They work closely with the Treasurer of the Board to execute audits, track spending and contributions, and promote the financial health of the congregation.

Fun & Fellowship

Team Chair(s): Jessica McHarg

Fun & Fellowship is exactly what it sounds like! Activities have included monthly hikes, family campouts, game nights, a Halloween dance, and collaboration with other teams on special events. This is a team that invites energy and creativity to help Wildflowers build relationships and have fun.

Ideas Worth Contemplating

Team Chair(s): Mike Ignatowski

Ideas Worth Contemplating is an ongoing program that meets twice monthly and uses inspiring and thought-provoking TED Talks to generate discussion about important topics to help broaden our understanding of the world and foster greater understanding of the people in it.


Team Chair(s): Kim Rodriguez

We want people to feel welcome at Wildflower Church from the first time they attend. Our Welcomers support visitors in making connections within the Wildflower community. Team members host the Welcome Table in the Community Room after worship to provide information and answer questions about the congregation. We help people get involved in activities that match their interests and will help them feel a part of our church family. We also organize Wildflower Church orientations to assist people in understanding Wildflower’s culture, structure and history and how to become involved in its life including becoming a member or pledging friend.

Membership Integration Team

Jan Austin and Cathy Cramer (

Helps people get involved in activities that match their interests and will help them feel a part of our church family. The team also assists in finding leaders for congregational teams that need them.


Nominating recruits candidates for positions on the Board and prepares a ballot for the Board elections held at one of two semi-annual congregational meetings.
Learn more about the Board

Pastoral Care

Team Chair(s): Jan Austin and Amelia Koford

Fill out this form.

The mission of the Wildflower Pastoral Care Team is to support the well-being of Wildflower members and friends going through challenging times. The care team provides meals, rides, deep listening, facilitated discussions, and friendly visits on a short-term basis. The care team is a non-professional group that agrees to honor the privacy of the members and friends we serve. Call or write the Care Team for support with an illness, isolation, birth, end-of-life, or any situation that could use a helping hand. Click here for more information.

Scholarship Team

Team Chair(s): Sheila Rae

The Scholarship team carries out Wildflower’s commitment to social justice by awarding scholarships to culturally diverse high school and college students to support their post-secondary education. This team raises the funds annually to support the scholarships and create a yearly celebratory service to honor this way Wildflower spreads love, justice and joy. Click here for more information on our scholarship.

The Stewardship Team coordinates activities and events involved in using our time, talents, and treasure toward carrying out the many goals of Wildflower Church. They work closely with the Fundraising, Finance, and Membership Teams and with the Board Treasurer. The 2023 Stewardship Team is made up of Daniela Silva, Samantha Sheffield, Sarah Wylie, Jan Austin, and Cathy Cramer. Click here to learn more about the 2024 pledge drive!

WildEarth Climate Action Team

Team Chair(s): Susan Lippman, Paula Vaughn, and Deborah White

The WildEarth Climate Action Team works to address climate change and its many inextricably connected equity and justice issues. We seek to engage with reasons for alarm, reasons for hope, and pathways forward to a viable climate for planet Earth. The team offers a monthly class to learn climate change basics, equity and justice intersections with climate, impacts on particular aspects of life on earth, climate events in the news, pathways for change, or ideas about how to influence policy or opinion. Each class includes ample discussion time. To partake of, or help create, our Climate Education classes, movie presentations, field trips, and civic action, reach out to us at

Wildflower Central Texas Interfaith

Through Wildflower’s membership in Central Texas Interfaith, a member of the Texas IAF Network, our impact on social justice issues in our city, state, and nation is magnified! In our own church, the Wildflower Central Texas Interfaith Team works with our CTI Organizer to develop and train leaders from our congregation for this work. Together with other leaders from other CTI member institutions, we work towards changes that matter in the lives of families in our community. In the past year we have focused on recovery post the winter storm, Vaccine Clinics, and Get Out the Vote efforts to turn out low propensity voters. We organize through developing leaders and building relationships.


Team Chair(s): Dee Adams

The Worship team works with lay leaders, guest ministers/speakers, the music director, religious education staff, technical volunteers and more to put together cohesive and inspiring worship services where congregants have fulfilling worship experiences and are nourished on their spiritual journeys. Our volunteer service teams prepare the space for services and help people feel welcomed into our space.


Music Director: Caleb de Casper (
Music enhances the worship experience and our choir and volunteer vocalists and instrumentalists enrich our services. Our choir rehearses Saturday afternoons except during the summer, and rehearsals include gentle vocal exercises and songs to keep us in touch with our singing selves and our music-loving friends.

Learn more about Worship