Celebrating Beloved Community and Journey Towards Justice

Celebrating Beloved Community and Journey Towards Justice

The journey towards healing, racial justice and building Beloved Community is long and full of challenges. It is important to pause and celebrate our milestones such as Wildflower’s recent adoption of the 8th UU Principle.  Please join us as we lift up our commitment to Beloved Community in our journey towards justice and spiritual wholeness and our collective liberation. In this service we will recognize the National Day of Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (January 18th) and the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK Day, January 17th).  We also lean into the great work of bell hooks and Desmond Tutu that led the path forward in racial justice during their lifetimes.

Children and Youth Religious Education: Classes will be held this Sunday on Zoom from 10:30 – 11:25 am.  Please write to dre@wildflowerchurch.org for more information and for the Zoom  link.