Adult Programming

Activities to help us connect, reflect, stretch, and grow.


Ideas Worth Contemplating

Facilitator: Mike Ignatowski

Ideas Worth Contemplating is an ongoing program that meets twice monthly and uses inspiring and thought-provoking TED Talks to generate discussion about important topics to help broaden our understanding of the world and foster greater understanding of the people in it.


Book and Study Groups

Facilitator: Susie Epstein

Occurs the 1st Wednesday of each month from 7-8:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Wildflower’s Adult Religious Education Book and Discussion Group meets online the 1st Wednesday of every month. We discuss a new book each month. Our current book is: Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi. Many (but not all) of the books we select are available at no cost through Austin Public Library’s “Libby” app and can be viewed as either print online or as audio book. Many of the authors we read are from marginalized and oppressed identities. Questions? Contact:


10 Week Meditation Circle, February 14-April 21

Sundays, 10:15-11:15 am in classroom #2

Facilitator: Sarah Riehl

Sarah Riehl is offering a ten-week meditation class at 10:15 am on Sundays in person. Anyone is welcome to attend, even if they are not a Wildflower member. This meditation technique uses the breath to cultivate a mind that is calm and still, yet alert and awake. Over the course of the class, you’ll gradually learn the fundamentals of this powerful practice, and we’ll explore Buddhist dharma, or teachings. Cushions and tea will be provided.

This form of meditation was adapted for Western laypeople by a Thai former monk in 1960s Britain; it has its roots in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Sarah has been practicing since 2008 and was invited to teach in 2018. She’s excited to share the practice.

This 10 week class ends April 21, though you can come to any Sunday circle and do not need to attend all classes.

Questions and to register, email
** Many disability accommodations are available; you can use the same email to inquire.