Journeying Toward the Beloved Community

Journeying Toward the Beloved Community

We’re on an endless journey to build the Beloved Community. Given the imperfections of humans, we’ll lose our way from time to time. There will be waystations on this journey where we can stop, rest, and regroup. We’ll need to make both large and small adjustments to our travels, and the journey won’t be without some squabbling.

This Sunday, members of Wildflower will talk with us about how they want Wildflower to look in five years. What creativity and innovation might we need as we take this journey? What might we need to let go of on this journey? What are we excited about on this journey? And How best can we show up for each other in our community?

Will you be with us this Sunday as we continue this joyful journey? We need all of you to help us drive, to be sure we follow our Global Positioning System and reset it when we take a wrong turn, to sing, and to keep the kids busy learning with us about Beloved Community. Come join us. We’re on our way!

Children and Youth Religious Education: Classes will be held this Sunday on Zoom from 10:30 – 11:25 am.  Please write to for more information and for the Zoom  link.