Worship Services

Our worship services occur every Sunday beginning at 11:45 a.m. and last for about an hour. On the second Sunday of each month, our service is on Zoom only. To attend a worship service on Zoom, click here. All other Sundays we meet in person in the sanctuary at Faith Presbyterian Church, and we simultaneously stream the service on Zoom.

The links below include descriptions of past services without videos. If you are a church member and would like to see a video of a particular past service that is not available at the link above, contact the Worship Team at worship@wildflowerchurch.org.

Interested in seeing or hearing something in Worship? Let the worship team know.


Upcoming Service

A Time of Reset and Renewal

March 30, 2025

The transition from winter to spring brings with it new beginnings and transformation. Taking cues from the garden and nature, we can appreciate the moment, notice what we may need to reset and renew in our lives, and take action to refresh, rejuvenate, and restore our spirits, our faith, and our relationships.

This is a Zoom-only service; there will be no children’s or youth religious education classes.

To attend a worship service via Zoom, click here.

Masks are optional in the sanctuary.

Written Descriptions of Past Services

Things feel very bleak right now. There is so much violence, so much political corruption, and so much inequality. It's overwhelming! But our religion is not one of despair but…
Many of us grew up in families and/or cultures where vulnerability was not always, or sometimes ever, safe to express. Today we confront three of the P's that we may…
Buddhist author Pema Chodron notes that vulnerability is “the category of things that, if we move toward them, have so much to teach us. Having a relationship with vulnerability, with…
ZOOM ONLY How do we practice our spirituality, given that our spiritual needs and interests change over time? In this Sunday’s Zoom-only service, we will have the opportunity to connect…

Into the Wilderness

Why should we learn to be vulnerable when the world is such a scary place? Why would we venture into potentially dangerous territory when we know everything could end in…
As the year ends and we are in the time of year where the earth’s cycle brings us fewer hours of light, we pause to honor the fire within each…
While our journeys in life may not always go as planned, in hindsight, we are who we are because of where we’ve been. An interdisciplinary artist, writer, educator, and lay…
ZOOM ONLY On Human Rights Day, join Rev. Deanna Vandiver of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and our UU College of Social Justice in a nourishing worship service that will…
As we enter this season of holy days in many faith traditions, let us set aside some time this morning to explore how we engage with our individual and collective…

Beads on a String

In a world where so many lack so much, what is the meaning of abundance? In a world where our lives do suddenly overflow with unexpected beauty and sustenance, how…
We often enthusiastically sing the words of the hymn, ”This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” But how can you let your light shine with no oil…

Call & Response

ZOOM ONLY Some creation myths describe speech, the word, as the first creative act. But it seems more likely that music came first. Humanity may have created itself with singing…
At some point in all our lives, the world can feel like a lot--when we feel as if our backs are up against a wall; when we feel in need…
Through music and poetry we will weave our threads of remembrance. Join Laura Jo Acuna and Sheila Rae as they invite the memories of those lost and the opportunity to…
Have mercy! It’s all too much sometimes, isn’t it? (It really is.) Wildflower’s affiliated community minister Rev. Erin Walter visits to exhale with us, share some best practices for dealing…

Rooted in Joy

Joy is one of the reasons why many of us attend church and desire to be a part of a spiritual community. Joy embodies peace, love, happiness, and a sense…
ZOOM ONLY Join Minister Dana N. Moore on a journey through history to discover biological and spiritual lineages that keep us connected in surprising ways! Inspired by the book of…
As Unitarian Universalist we work towards building the Beloved Community, a community in which every one’s needs are centered and met, where equity in enshrined in all we do. As…
While the weather in Austin may not change very much as we move from summer to fall on the calendar, that doesn’t mean that we have to stay the same.…
Come, Come, Whoever You Are . . . and be present with our children and youth in their Wildflower experience. For a time in this service, we will have the…