Solstice Soundbath

Solstice Soundbath

Summer in Texas. The season, though not without joy, so often swells past boundaries of what our bodies can comfortably endure. Triple-digit heat, stretches of drought, and long days of work or play take their toll. This solstice week let’s take a cue from our native plants and welcome a moment of rest — a dormancy wherein we reconnect with the needs of our bodies, minds, and spirits. Austin’s Singing Bowl Lady will guide us through a sonic experience of rest and rejuvenation known as a Sound Bath. While we acknowledge the promise of the Solstice: the days will once again shorten, the nights will lengthen and cool, and our collective energy for transformation will strengthen as we rest together. NOTE: The sound bath can be a powerful experience on Zoom especially if you wear earphones/buds.  You are welcome, but not required, to bring cushions to make yourself comfortable, or floor mats if you would like to experience the sound bath laying down. We will provide ear plugs for those with sound sensitivity. The therapeutic vibrations in sound bathing can move powerful emotional and physical sensations through the body. As always, we encourage Wildflowers and our visitors to care for themselves as needed during this and all services. ALSO NOTE:  There will be no childcare in our nursery this Sunday for those age 5 or younger.