11:30am on ZoomEvery ending might be a new beginning but endings can be hard. As Rev. Brian finishes his ministry here at Wildflower Church, we will acknowledge the complexity of…
Lois Brown
11:30am on Zoom"If you want to make God laugh, make a plan!" No matter how much one tries to prepare for a nice, tidy ending, life has a way of…
11:30am on Zoom The Flower Communion is one of the most unique and loved of our Unitarian Universalist rituals. Being online brings some difficult challenges to recreate the powerful connections…
11:30am on Zoom Mindfulness has been a popular topic of conversation and increasingly popular practice in our country. It encourages us to bring our attention to experiences occurring in the…
The Irish poet, John O'Donohue said "When someone fails or disappoints you, may the graciousness with which you engage be their stairway to renewal and refinement." These are challenging words,…
11:30am on ZoomOur 5th Unitarian Universalist principle is the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. We believe that…
11:30am on Zoom Easter is the most religiously significant time of the year for Christians as they explore the meaning and significance of the resurrection of Jesus. This is often…
11:30am - Online (Zoom) Among the strange aspects of this pandemic is that some aspects of life which were underway before the coronavirus continue. This is true of church life.…
11:30am (Online with Zoom) Here in the Austin Community and in many areas throughout the world, we have been asked to Shelter-in-Place to help lessen the spread of the COVID-19…
Due to the uncertainty regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Wildflower Church has Suspended in-person worship service, Children/Youth Religious Education Services, and Childcare through March. Please do not plan on attending any…
The great Indian Nobel-prize winning poet Rabindranath Tagore said “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service…
One of the most popular hymns in Unitarian Universalism is Spirit of Life. One of the lines is Roots hold me close; wings set me free. This beautifully captures the…
Life transformations and transitions can be sudden or gradual, planned or unexpected. Sometimes major life changes can be suddenly forced upon us and other times it is something we commit…
Our Unitarian Universalist movement and Wildflower Church has set the intention of actively becoming anti-racist in our practices and culture. This is challenging, difficult, and important work to undertake. Some…
Like many traditional institutions today, people are questioning the purpose of Church. Overall church attendance is decreasing in the U.S. and declined drastically in most of Western Europe. It is…