Speaker: Lois Brown, Rev. Brian Ferguson, Wendy Eickstaedt | 11:30am on ZoomEvery ending might be a new beginning but endings can be hard. As Rev. Brian finishes his ministry here…
Lois Brown
speaker: Jeannette La Fontaine, Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am on Zoom"If you want to make God laugh, make a plan!" No matter how much one tries to prepare for a…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am on Zoom The Flower Communion is one of the most unique and loved of our Unitarian Universalist rituals. Being online brings some difficult challenges…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am on Zoom Mindfulness has been a popular topic of conversation and increasingly popular practice in our country. It encourages us to bring our attention…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | The Irish poet, John O'Donohue said "When someone fails or disappoints you, may the graciousness with which you engage be their stairway to renewal and…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am on ZoomOur 5th Unitarian Universalist principle is the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am on Zoom Easter is the most religiously significant time of the year for Christians as they explore the meaning and significance of the resurrection…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am - Online (Zoom) Among the strange aspects of this pandemic is that some aspects of life which were underway before the coronavirus continue. This…
Speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am (Online with Zoom) Here in the Austin Community and in many areas throughout the world, we have been asked to Shelter-in-Place to help lessen…
Speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | Due to the uncertainty regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Wildflower Church has Suspended in-person worship service, Children/Youth Religious Education Services, and Childcare through March. Please do…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson, Wildflower’s Nominating Team | The great Indian Nobel-prize winning poet Rabindranath Tagore said “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | One of the most popular hymns in Unitarian Universalism is Spirit of Life. One of the lines is Roots hold me close; wings set me…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | Life transformations and transitions can be sudden or gradual, planned or unexpected. Sometimes major life changes can be suddenly forced upon us and other times…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | Our Unitarian Universalist movement and Wildflower Church has set the intention of actively becoming anti-racist in our practices and culture. This is challenging, difficult, and…
speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | Like many traditional institutions today, people are questioning the purpose of Church. Overall church attendance is decreasing in the U.S. and declined drastically in most…