Worship Services

Our worship services occur every Sunday beginning at 11:45 a.m. and last for about an hour. On the second Sunday of each month, our service is on Zoom only. To attend a worship service on Zoom, click here. All other Sundays we meet in person in the sanctuary at Faith Presbyterian Church, and we simultaneously stream the service on Zoom.

The links below include descriptions of past services without videos. If you are a church member and would like to see a video of a particular past service that is not available at the link above, contact the Worship Team at worship@wildflowerchurch.org.

Interested in seeing or hearing something in Worship? Let the worship team know.


Upcoming Service

Living Into the System

February 23, 2025

In this blended service both in person and on Zoom, we will listen to this sermon by Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh. So many of us want to make positive changes in our lives, our families, our communities, our world. But sometimes the forces of inertia and “the way it’s always been done” makes it feel like the system is conspiring against us. With inspiration from gardens, nature, mystics, and radical systems thinkers, we are invited to reframe the ways we create change and “live in” to the living systems that surround us.

Children and youth in kindergarten through 12th grade will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. The nursery is available for babies and children from 6 weeks to 5 years old during the entire service period. You may choose either option for your child if they are 5 years old.

To attend a worship service via Zoom, click here.

Masks are optional in the sanctuary.

Written Descriptions of Past Services

Each year on the May full moon, many Buddhists celebrate the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death (Vesak, Buddha Day). This holiday is one of three summer holidays that successively celebrate…

The Joy of Joy!

Wildflower’s mission is growing spiritually together, spreading love, justice, and joy! Join us as we celebrate World Laughter Day (held globally on the first Sunday of May), exploring tools and…
Our theme for April is Love, and Earth Day is April 22. Join us this Sunday as our WildEarth Climate Action Team leads us in lamentations and celebrations of our…
The Prince Mass: The Music & Message of Prince Eight years after his death, Prince’s work continues to influence and inspire the world. With religiously themed music and lyrics, combined…

A Sampling of Love

The Ancient Greeks recognized seven different kinds of love: Eros (sexual love), Philia (friendship love), Storge (familial love), Agape (universal love), Ludus (playful love), Pragma (practical love), and Philautia (self…

I am Loved

The late civil rights activist Mel King often shared that “Love is the question and the answer.” Join us for an interreligious lay-led service of readings and music reflecting on…
Amid sorrow, how do we find hope? By remembering that story is not over. As we continue with part two of Jesus’ story, after his betrayal, suffering, and execution, when…

Still Relevant

This service of Lament is about creating space for our pain to breathe, and creating space for us to grieve together–about racism, oppression, and our communal and personal losses. We…
Join us for a ceremony to honor the Spring Equinox and all that is being vibrantly cultivated within us and our community. Equinox, or "equal night" is an honoring of…
ZOOM ONLY Apologizing is a fundamental part of accountability. If we have hurt or harmed someone we care about, it is sacred work to tend to that hurt - we…
In this new annual service, we take a moment to celebrate US! Wildflower’s first worship service was in February, 2001, and its charter Sunday was in March, 2005. We’ve come…

Tell Me a Story

Stories weave threads of connection to people, places, ideas, and journeys. They can just as easily separate us from one another, recognizing that stories impact how we show up, what…
Reflections and celebration of ministry and life of the Rev. Absalom Jones (November 7, 1746 – February 13, 1818), an African American abolitionist and clergyman. Absalom Jones’ ministry in Philadelphia,…
ZOOM ONLY Having a covenant is one of Unitarian Universalism's defining features; often times, it is a source of pride. And yet, we find ourselves at a loss for what's…
Things feel very bleak right now. There is so much violence, so much political corruption, and so much inequality. It's overwhelming! But our religion is not one of despair but…
Many of us grew up in families and/or cultures where vulnerability was not always, or sometimes ever, safe to express. Today we confront three of the P's that we may…
Buddhist author Pema Chodron notes that vulnerability is “the category of things that, if we move toward them, have so much to teach us. Having a relationship with vulnerability, with…
ZOOM ONLY How do we practice our spirituality, given that our spiritual needs and interests change over time? In this Sunday’s Zoom-only service, we will have the opportunity to connect…

Into the Wilderness

Why should we learn to be vulnerable when the world is such a scary place? Why would we venture into potentially dangerous territory when we know everything could end in…
As the year ends and we are in the time of year where the earth’s cycle brings us fewer hours of light, we pause to honor the fire within each…