Children’s and Youth Religious Education

Wildflower strives to support parents by providing a meaningful religious education program

that makes a positive difference in children’s and youth’s lives.

Ages of Children We Serve

Our children and youth religious education (CYRE) program serves babies and children through 18 years. The second Sunday of each month is a Zoom-only church service with no in-person CYRE program. The CYRE program meets on the first, third, and fourth Sundays of the month.

Children 6 weeks to 5 years of age are welcome in the Childcare room. Children in Pre-K through 1st grade attend the Roots class. Children can transition from the Childcare room to the Roots class at age 5. Children in grades 2 through 5 attend the Seedlings class. Youth in grades 6 through 12 attend the Youth Group. Infants under 6 weeks remain with their parents.

What Happens on Sunday?

Children and youth stay with their parents for the first 15 minutes of the worship service, which begins at 11:45 am. After the congregation “sings the children and youth out,” teachers lead them to their classes. The children’s program ends at about 1:00 pm, usually 15 minutes after the Worship Service ends. Children attending childcare (age 6 weeks to 5 years) do not have to begin in the service. To promote child and youth safety, two adults are present in childcare and all classes. In accordance with our Safe Church policy, all RE teachers and care providers undergo background checks.


What do we teach in Religious Education?

1st Principle: Each and every person is important.
2nd Principle: All people should be treated fairly and kindly.
3rd Principle: We accept one another and keep on learning together.
4th Principle: We are free to search for what is true and right in life.
5th Principle: All people need a voice.
6th Principle: We work for a peaceful, fair, and free world.
7th Principle: We care for the Earth and all living things.
8th Principle: We work together for diversity and against racism and oppression.


Our wonderful volunteers make this program possible by allowing us to adhere to our Safe Church policy of having two adults in every class. Volunteers offer their unique perspectives and experiences and are equally enriched by hearing our children and youth express their points of view. For more information related to volunteering, please click here.

The Unitarian Universalist faith doesn’t pretend to give children all the answers to the big questions. Unitarian Universalism puts its faith in people’s ability to explore the unknown together.

-Terry Stafford (UU Religous Educator)

       Getting Started in Religious Education

Before your child’s first Sunday in the religious education program, please register them by filling out a Registration Form. Parents are always welcome to visit the RE and childcare classes.

Religious Education News/Blog

Jan 30 CYRE

Roots & Seedlings (pre-k to 5th): This week, we told a story called "We Are All One" and looked through our 8 UU Principles to see which ones the story spoke to. Then we played an animal charades game based on the story. Wildflower Youth (Middle & High...

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Dec 12 CYRE

Roots (pre-k to 1st) & Seedlings (2nd-5th) Class w/Piaf:We began with a Winter Solstice story and then created sun/moon ornaments and collaborated on a giant paper sun for our classroom. We finished up with some silly fun on the playground. Wildflower Youth...

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Dec 5 CYRE

Roots Class (pre-k to 1st grade) w/Laura:Today in Roots, we read the book "The Name Jar" by Yangsook Choi. In the book, a little girl that has newly immigrated from Korea struggles with people pronouncing her name and explores changing her name to an American name. ...

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Nov 14 CYRE

After so long of pandemic-related disruptions, it was great to have a semi-normal service and Children and Youth Religious Education classes! Our younger group played a gratitude game and painted fall leaves while our older group discussed recent attempts at book...

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Oct 24 CYRE

Wildflower children and youth gathered yesterday to celebrate fall and also work on the Youth-Led Worship Service that's coming up in a couple of weeks. The children and youth worked on recording videos to be part of the 8th Principle service coming up, including...

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Oct 10 CYRE

Roots Class (pre-k to 1st) w/Laura: This week we watched a video of Common, an activist and rap musician, reading Julius Lester's book "Let's Talk about Race."  One of the main components of the book was that if we took off all of our skin, we would all look the...

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Sep 26 CYRE

Roots Class: This week, we followed the Tapestry of Faith Wonderful Welcome curriculum in which we share intangible gifts each week.  This week we opened up our gift box and found the gift of covenant.  We played Simon Says and talked about rules versus promises.  We...

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June 27 CYRE

This week's in-person meet-up included a whole range of messy and refreshing activities. Some highlights include spray painting, making slime, water squirter bowling, sprinklers, and popsicles! Here are some pics to give you a feel for the fun we had 🙂

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CYRE May 30

We had a great time yesterday seeing everyone in-person!! Highlights included making hula-hoops, making art, making pom-pom catapults, eating popsicles, laughing, and enjoying the feeling of community 🙂 Here are a few pics to give you a feel for the event:

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May 9 CYRE

Roots Class (k-2nd grade) w/Marie: We celebrated our last class with ducklings! I have been taking care of some brand-new baby ducks (and one gosling) and the kids got to "meet" them today. In the spirit of Wildflower's mission to spread love, justice, and joy, we...

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