Spreading Love and Justice to Mental Health

Spreading Love and Justice to Mental Health

speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | Wildflower is well known locally for our engaged Social Justice work. Over the last year, we evaluated our justice work and how we wish to focus moving forward. Our Social Action Council decided to prioritize three areas of focus: Climate Action, Criminal Justice, and Mental Health. During this worship service we will hear from members of the newly formed Mental Health Justice team about how they wish to engage in justice work related to Mental Health. We will also be having a Special Offering for Nation Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). We will be taking a congregational photo during this worship service therefore bring your best smile or other facial expression. We will also be having a New Member Welcome Ceremony during worship and our Children/Youth Religious Education program will be serving ice cream during our Fellowship time. A busy and fun Sunday that you may not want to miss.