This week was our fall semester kick-off and the first day of our newly reorganized Religious Education classes. Marie Catrett leads the Roots class (pre-k to 1st grade), Piaf Azul leads the Seedlings class (2nd to 4th grade) and Solveij Praxis leads our Wildflower Youth (5th grade & Middle School).

Roots Class:

Hello to our grownups! Today we began our Creating Home curriculum, making each child’s name stone and wondering together about the labyrinth we’ll be using each week to journey into the center of Wildflower as our congregational home. We will begin walking the labyrinth next Sunday, one of the rituals we’ll use for our time together. If we missed you this Sunday, more name stone making will happen next week. Thank you for the warm welcome; I am so excited to teach your children.


Seedlings Class:

This week we began by brainstorming what our Classroom Covenant should include. What promises do we want to make to each other for our time together? We also played an ice-breaker game and made leaf rubbings to decorate our Covenant poster.


Wildflower Youth:

This week, youth strengthened their connections with a fast-paced ice-breaker game and then began discussing plans for future events. This group was full of ideas of things we can do for fun and in service to the world. Finally, youth created a collaborative plan to share the responsibilities involved in serving ice cream to everyone at the Sunday sundae social.
