What Next Regarding Ministerial Transition?

What Next Regarding Ministerial Transition?

speaker: Rev. Brian Ferguson | 11:30am - Online (Zoom) Among the strange aspects of this pandemic is that some aspects of life which were underway before the coronavirus continue. This is true of church life. Our ministerial search was well underway prior to the pandemic has also continued. While there are uncertainties regarding timing, the ministerial transition will be moving forward therefore we are preparing ourselves emotionally and organizationally for a transition in our ministerial leadership. A healthy ministerial transition is a sign of success for any congregation. There can be a mixture of emotions occurring simultaneously such as excitement, sadness, uncertainty and anxiety about what is going to happen next. Like any transition of leadership, it is an ending and a new beginning, but the life of a congregation is much more than any minister as Wildflower has demonstrated throughout its history. Ministerial Search Team members Esmeralda Clack and Tommy Lukens will join our minister Rev. Brian to explore some of the various aspects of Wildflower’s upcoming ministerial transition.If you would like access to this online service, please fill out this form and you will receive a link by email.