The People We Are A’Changin – 3rd Principle
We are not the same as we were before the pandemic. Even in a seemingly uneventful 18 months --if there ever is such a thing!-- people grow and change. Thankfully, the third principle of Unitarian Universalism, calls us to "acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations," so we are acting faithfully as we grapple with growth and change in these times. Wildflower's Affiliated Community Minister Rev. Erin Walter will reflect with us in words and music.
Bio: Rev. Erin J. Walter (she/her/hers) is a minister, activist, and musician based in Austin and winner of the 2017 Sermon Award from the UU Women’s Federation. A former YMCA director, she serves as a board member for the Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry, an advisor to the SIMS Foundation for music industry mental health, and the Affiliated Community Minister of our own Wildflower Church. You can find more about her music and ministry at ErinWalter.com and ParkerWoodland.com.