Gracias a la vida (Thanks Be to Life)

Gracias a la vida (Thanks Be to Life)

Using the song of Violeta Parra “Gracias a la vida” as inspiration, Rev. Tania Márquez touches on the topic of gratitude and shares how this ordinary, but not always easy, practice is also deep spiritual work. Rev. Tania Y. Márquez is currently serving as a Chaplain resident at a hospital in San Diego. She is also a spiritual care educator of the project “Trauma-Responsive Congregations” with the University of Boston´s School of Theology. She is both an immigrant and a fronteriza and these parts of her identity greatly influence her ministry and her way of seeing the world. Gathering Music -; Fluir/Flow written and performed by Jardín  Time for All Ages -; Gracias / Thanks by Pat Mora   Offering -; Bottesini Grand Duo Concertant performed by Xavier Foley & Augustin Hadelich Meditation -; #1009 Meditation on Breathing (Jones) performed by Alex Kapitan and Tracy Ahlquist; Church of the Larger Fellowship  Joys and Concerns -; Estrellita by Manuel Ponce, arranged by Heifetz/Tsang, performed by Bion Tsang & Lo-Chien Kao  Postlude -; Grateful by Nimo Patel