Celebrating the Spring Equinox – Emergence, Cleansing, Rekindling of Hope: An Important Theme in This Chaotic Time

Celebrating the Spring Equinox – Emergence, Cleansing, Rekindling of Hope: An Important Theme in This Chaotic Time


This online service invites you to celebrate the earth’s turning and this time of year when the day’s light and dark are in balance and emergence into the light beckons us. It is a time that our pagan/earth centered Unitarian Universalist source celebrates. A particular invitation at this time of year is to embody hope. This is challenging amid the ever-present fears of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we must have hope or life becomes a meaningless engagement. Looking for the emerging light in each moment is so important as we create a new reality from that which we have depended, expected. We can be curious and think about how this moment in time can newly shape our lives, how we can reach out to others who are both marginalized and vulnerable. We will have a time for sharing and opportunities for you to identify practices that can help you experience your emergent hope and ways of experiencing this new reality from Rebecca Fletcher, Lucy DuBois, Greg Davis and Bethany Carson. We invite you to take ideas from these prompts into your following week to nourish your spirit and notice how this may have opened you to the needs of others.

We will be engaging in this service again using Zoom (Zoom.us). A more involved introduction to Zoom will be provided in a special announcement on Friday.  Download Zoom to your computer, tablet, notebook, ipad, or smart phone. Email communications@wildflowerchurch.org to get a link to the Zoom meeting.