This week we gathered on Zoom for our C/YRE classes.
Roots class (pre-k to first grade) w/Marie:
Happy Easter, and thank you to the children who gathered with me this morning.
I so wanted to share a nice springtime, Easter-y book this morning. Sharing stories seems like a good use of the remote format and at times like these we need stories. Most of my best books are on the shelf in our real world classroom but I did manage to find a lovely old book, The Golden Egg book, by Margaret Wise Brown, in which a curious bunny hatches a duckling and makes a friend. It ends with their togetherness, something the children care so much about, and we each shared about people we are missing being with right now, and things we are doing to feel less alone. It’s a hard time. I think a lot about Reverend Brian’s words that staying apart right now is a tremendous act of love. We are taking care of each other, but it sure can feel lonely. I empathize with the duck when they say this- “Inside the egg,” said the duck, “I thought I was all alone in a small dark world.”
The togetherness of seeing everyone’s face- and jumping pretend bunny selves when we sang Here Comes Peter Cottontail for everyone- was wonderful. Easter, and spring, is definitely here today.
Also some very wonderful and inventive hats.
Seedlings (2nd – 4th grade) w/Piaf:
As usual, we began by sharing our roses & thorns (joys & sorrows). Then, we explored the Christian story of Jesus rising from the dead that is the basis for the Easter holiday. What is the UU perspective on this idea? Finally, we played an Easter-themed version of “When I go to Baltimore…” which was a lot of fun.
Wildflower Youth (5th grade & Middle School) w/Solveij:
Today we played Kahoots! with a “Life on Earth – Interdependent Web of Life” trivia game. Afterwards, we talked about ways we’re each still trying to connect with nature (going on walks, seeing the moon, playing with pets, hike at Balcones Canyon Preserve). It was good to see everyone and fun!