Spring Equinox Celebration
Join us for a ceremony to honor the Spring Equinox and all that is being vibrantly cultivated within us and our community. Equinox, or "equal night" is an honoring of the time where the day and night are equal. We honor that the days have grown in length from the winter dark, and that warmth and light are here in equal measure to the darkness.
In this service we will examine how we can look at the metaphors of nature to gain wisdom. We will look at the nature of balance, of holding two simultaneous truths, and the metaphor of integration and cultivation within ourselves and as a community. We will bring in grounding rhythms and joyful noise with a drum circle to honor this earth cycle.
All generations are invited to bring and use percussive and melodic instruments including our bodies to create rhythms throughout the service. We will also have a large equinox art project for youth to contribute to during the service.
Marika Alderink is a community builder, activist, and a lifelong practitioner of Earth-Based Spirituality. Her observations of nature’s cycles and seasons have played a foundational role in her understanding of the workings of communities, and in her own emotional healing journey.
Since 2018, Marika has been a consultant and coach specializing in trauma-informed care, supporting individuals and communities in their healing journeys.
This is an intergenerational service. There will be no children's or youth religious education classes.