Seeking Nothing… and Everything
Do you ever feel like you’re hurrying through life trying to find happiness? In our late stage capitalist society we’re often told we need to buy more, be more, and do more to magically unlock happiness, but the goal line seems to always be moving. This Sunday we come together to explore how awakening to the joy of nothing might help us reconnect with that which means the most to us and be a deep act of rebellion and resistance against the powers that try to influence and control our lives.
Rev. Krista Weber Huang served the last 4 years as the minister for the San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and is planning to spend this year guest preaching as she takes time for rest and renewal. She still lives in San Marcos, TX with her spouse Eric and their nearly 4 year old child Lenny and enjoys being outside and reading in her free time.
Children and Youth will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service.