Own it, say it, fix it!
This Sunday is Labor Sunday, which the AFL union designated in 1909 for people of faith to concentrate on workers’ concerns. On Monday evening, the Jewish High Holy Days kick off with Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Remembrance and first day of the Hebrew calendar. The first ten days of the new year are a period of judgement and reflection, during which observers examine their actions to become aware of the ways they’ve failed themselves, others, and God or their principles.
This week, we’ll examine calls from workers to both employers and us as people of faith who look on -- calls to improve our love in action by better respecting the worth and dignity of workers, and the interdependent web of which we are all a part. And we’ll make noise to celebrate the new year!
Gathering Music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WsWouCsbaQ&t=8s; Bashana Haba'a, The Maccabeats
Shofar music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I20XMmTaw38
Workers’ Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwQwA_kFxoE; The World Turned Upside Down, Billy Bragg
Joys and Concerns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsDu1z3J_LI; Ballade of Immoral Earnings (Kurt Weill), Jeremy Kahn
Workers’ Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJGleVt1UeM&t=1s; Which side are you on?, The Almanac Singers
Offertory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mYt9PBcSjQ; Caprice in A Minor (Kreisler), Itzhak Perlman, violin, and Jon Batiste, piano
Closing Hymn - https://youtu.be/ixtXqUSgwdY; #1014 Answering the Call of Love (Shelton)
Postlude - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGUCUtCCIhU; Have You Ever Been to Jail for Justice, Anne Feeney