Love in Action
This online service, entitled Love in Action, might be a little different than Zoom services we’ve had before. It’s a dinner church service, so there’s a sense that we’re all sitting around a dinner table sharing a meal together, even if only in our imaginations. When we gather around a table for dinner church, we can build community and feed one another in body and spirit. In this service, we’ll be sharing about peak moments of being UU, times when the power and potential of UUism was at its best. If you haven’t had one, you can imagine one.
At this time, we are in deep need of community and connection. Our hope is that this service can be a place for you to feel nourished and supported.
For the service, we invite you to bring a bit of food or drink for a mindful bite ritual - it can be real or imaginary, whatever works for you in the moment! We’ll also have some time for journaling and/or art around our peak UU moments, so bring whatever you’d like to use for that activity. You can also bring a chalice or candle if you’d like to join in the chalice lighting at the start of the service.
Children and Youth Religious Education: This is a Zoom-only service. There will be no children's and youth religious education classes.