Cultivating a Ministry of Presence
At some point in all our lives, the world can feel like a lot--when we feel as if our backs are up against a wall; when we feel in need of another’s help; when we feel abandoned and exhausted; when we feel invisible; when our spirits are low and our souls are tired.
How do we get past those moments? How do we show up when we ourselves feel overextended?
In those times we are frequently just one person away from our healing. Join us as we collectively reflect on healing moments big and small, and nurture our own ministries of presence for our community and world.
An interdisciplinary artist, writer, educator, and lay minister, Simone Monique Barnes works in community ministry, and is a regular guest worship leader and lay speaker at Wildflower UU in Austin TX. She loves grounded, centering, and joy filled practices that provide the fuel she needs to stay in “good trouble” doing the work to build and nurture the beloved community.
Children (age 5 and older) and Youth will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. Children 6 weeks to 4 years of age are welcome in our Nursery.