December is a special time in our congregation. Whether you’re looking for spiritual enrichment, a sense of community, a place to hold your joys and concerns, or simply some festive fun, there’s something for everyone. We invite everyone to participate in our diverse offerings, fostering connections and creating cherished memories. Whether you are a long-time member, a friend, or a first-time visitor, you are welcome to join us this season.
December Worship Services Theme: Many Lights
Wildflower’s blended services offer the opportunity to attend either in-person or on Zoom (Zoom link is posted on our website’s home page). 2nd Sundays and 5th Sundays, worship is Zoom only.
- Sunday, December 1, 11:45 am, blended service – “This Little Light of Mine” — Simone Monique Barnes, Director of Membership and Spiritual Life (Pluralism and Interdependence)
- Sunday, December 8, 11:45 am, Zoom only service – “The Peace of Defiance” – Rev. Carrie Holley-Hurt, guest worship leader
- Sunday, December 15, 11:45 am, blended service – Bis Thornton, Chaplain. Special musical guest cellist. (Advent)
- Sunday, December 22, 11:45 am, blended service – Simone Monique Barnes, Director of Membership and Spiritual Life. Special musical guest cellist. (Solstice)
- Sunday, December 29, 11:45 am, Zoom only service – Susie Epstein, lay worship leader (Hannukah)
- Sunday, January 5, 11:45 am, blended service – Fire Communion – lay led service
Community Gatherings for All Ages
- Saturday, December 7, 1 pm – 3 pm – Crafternoon, in the Wildflower Community Room- bring your favorite arts and craft supplies, or use ours.
- Sunday, December 15, 1:30 pm to 4 pm – Solstice Lantern Making, in the Wildflower Community Room – Drop-in to make a solstice lantern from paper art supplies, or bring an item to upcycle, such as a plastic soda bottle or a found object like a small tree branch, and shape your own solstice lantern to take home. Or bring it to the Solstice Parade the following weekend.
- Saturday, December 21, 6 pm – 7 pm (meet at the Treehouse in Pease Park at 5:30 pm) – Annual Solstice Parade — Gather just after sunset and bring your solstice lanterns (no flames!) and lights as we walk, roll, or stroll in the parade. Bonus: we’ll see Malin, Pease Park’s troll sculpture, along the parade route. Note: Wildflowers are attending this free, family-friendly, public event hosted by Minor Mishap Marching Band. It is an outdoor, mobile procession, on ADA-compliant paths. We encourage attendees to process along the participatory parade route with the group, but of course, there is always to option to sit or stand and watch.
- Sunday, December 22, 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm Drum Circle, in the Wildflower Community Room. Join in a Beloved drum circle to welcome the Winter Solstice. All levels are welcome. Bring a drum or other percussion instrument (we’ll also have some available for use).
Congregational Meeting
- Sunday, December 8, 1:30 pm CDT on Zoom