The Power of Exploring Our Religious Identities

The Power of Exploring Our Religious Identities

Many come to Unitarian Universalism from other religious traditions. Sometimes this is an easy transition, and sometimes it is more difficult. Some associate the religious traditions of their past with pain, anger, or loneliness, while others have warm memories of love, community, and joy. Sometimes the transition to a new religious community comes with traumatic estrangement from family and from the center of one's culture. Whatever your journey to Unitarian Universalism looks like, being able to tell the story of your religious life, discover new connections between the past and present, and share all you have found with others is powerful. Unitarian Universalism is a pluralistic religion that accepts and respects the diverse religious identities of all. Here at Wildflower, we find beauty and strength in our differences!

Join us this Sunday to hear the different paths that Laura Jo Acuna, Susie Epstein and Jessica McHarg have taken as they shaped their religious identity and how the pluralism of UU and Wildflower has held them on this part of their journey. You might be inspired to pull out a piece of paper and begin to trace your religious timeline!!

Children and youth in kindergarten through 12th grade will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. The nursery is available for babies and children from 6 weeks to 5 years old during the entire service period. You may choose either option for your child if they are 5 years old.