The Story of Us
2025 Pledge DriveIf you are ready to put your pledge into action, please visit our payment provider to set up (or edit) your ongoing contribution.
You can set up an ongoing contribution to begin at a future date through this portal as well!
Having trouble determining how much to give? The UUA provides a guide sheet based on your income. It was first developed in the 1990’s by the Henry David Thoreau Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Stafford, TX and subsequently adapted by the UUA as a helpful resource for all of us. You can find it at this link.
You can also download the pledge card, fill it out on your computer, and then email it to
Alternately, you can download the pledge card, print it out, fill it out, and mail it to:
Wildflower Church, P.O. Box 40395, Austin, Texas 78704
If you have any questions regarding payments please see the Giving Page on the church website or contact