
Our church is a 501(c)3 organization entirely funded by the generous contributions of its members and friends, in addition to grants we may receive for specific programs. This allows us to be ideologically independent and follow our own vision to create a community that lives into our values.

Giving Options

Online Payments

Donate online with a one-time or recurring credit card charge or bank draft.

Sunday Offering Plate

We welcome all donations.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund ensures the long-term financial health of the church by earning interest and providing a base of capital to underwrite our financial commitments. If you’re interested in contributing to the Endowment Fund, contact the Stewardship team at

Donate Your Vehicle

We have teamed up with Charitable Auto Resources (CARS) so you can donate your old vehicle to Wildflower and CARS does the rest. They will contact you to schedule the pickup of your vehicle (running or not) and sell to the highest bidder. The proceeds are then given to Wildflower to be applied as you direct. This is the ultimate green program as it recycles your vehicle and provides “green stuff” to fund the work of the church. To donate, please follow this link or email


Pledging mainly supports the church’s Operating Fund. It’s a great way to let the church know to expect your contribution so that we can plan to meet our expenses. You do not have to be a member to pledge. For members, an annual pledge is required to vote at congregational meetings. There is no minimum annual pledge, and you can plan to pay with any frequency. You can pay by bank draft, credit card, check, or cash in the offering plate.

Second Offerings


Each month, we collect a second offering during our worship services to benefit a nonprofit organization whose values align with ours. Past recipients include the Texas UU Justice Ministry, Communities of Color United, the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Great Promise for American Indians, the Huston-Tillotson University scholarship fund, and the Festival Beach Food Forest. For a semi-complete list of past recipients, click here.