Water is Everything: healing, life, equity, answers . . .
Come restfully into this last service of July as we continue to explore our theme of WATER. Our story engages us in the issue of equity in terms of access to water and the value of working together to achieve justice. As all of us feel the healing energy of water, we are more able to collectively “bend the arc toward justice”.
As we leave the service we have the opportunity to experience the playfulness of water with the children and youth. If you have a rain stick, please bring it to the service. If you’d like to engage fully in water play, make sure you have clothing that invites water!
Children and youth in grades pre-k through 12th will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service. The nursery is available for babies and children from 6 weeks to 5 years old during the entire service period.