There is No Salvation Outside of Community
Many faiths look at salvation as something an individual can achieve all on their own and this individualistic view of salvation often causes people with all the best intentions to go into spaces as saviors. However, salvation cannot be achieved outside of community. It happens when someone extends their hand in love and compassion and another takes hold, when two or more people combine their divine sparks into fiery collective action, when people worship together and allow themselves to be changed. Join us and let us seek salvation!
Heather Vickery is the Coordinator for Congregational Activism for the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. She is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with UU congregations, State Action Networks, past College of Social Justice program participants, and regional staff in order to expand engagement in UUSC and CSJ’s work.
Heather is an aspirant to UU Ministry and student at Starr King School for the Ministry as well as an active member of the First Parish in Malden, Mass., and a core team member of the Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network.
Children and Youth Religious Education classes will not be held this Sunday.