Beauty, Governance and Struggle
The search for beauty has implicit motivations for our lives. Its current lives underneath our homes, our bodies and our churches, but if we never interrogate what we're searching for it can work against our best interest. Let's dream up a new definition of beauty that readies us for the collective struggle for justice.
Sara Dendy-Green is the Youth and Young Adults Program Manager at the Unitarian Universalist Association. She identifies as a southern, cis/queer/poly, Black femme minister. Sara imagines liberation/salvation/beloved community as communities that have the ability to eat good food together, experience pleasure in our bodies and regularly put their hands in soil—all the while free from fear and violence by way of all of the cultural and legal changes that must happen in order for this world to exist. She understands herself as part of a legacy of cultural workers, healers, maroons and creoles, southern queer freedom fighters and artists trying to shape god.
Children and Youth will be meeting in person in their classes after being present in the sanctuary for the first part of the service.