On How to Tell the Truth
speaker: Kye Flannery | It can be hard to tell the truth. It can put us in a place that feels dangerous, or *is* dangerous. But as UUs our Universalism infuses how we view our own lives and the lives of others. We don't believe that anybody's condemned, and we believe that everything is interconnected. The time is now for us to get talking, and sharing our truths, with each other – Wildflowers, family members, friends, and neighbors, law-makers, oil companies and educators.
Chaplain Kye Flannery has lived in Austin for three years, working as a palliative and Hospice chaplain. Before that, she lived in Boston and can upon request offer you the signature South Boston greeting, "Howaya?" She enjoys painting and the Alamo theater and would love to hear your thoughts on this sermon or other topics. She is a candidate for ministerial fellowship and will finalize this process in March of 2020.