Service as a Spiritual Practice
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew
At Unitarian Universalist churches, the Board decides the direction of the church based on the church’s mission statement and strategic goals. Unitarian Universalist churches are fully self-supporting and independent in their governance. That makes us different from most other denominations, in which congregations are subject to binding decisions they did not make.
Wildflower operates with a seven-member Board which consists of four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and three regular positions. A term lasts two years, and a person is permitted to serve two terms in a row but no more than that.
In 2024, an even-numbered year, we have four 2-year positions open.
My experience being on the Board of Wildflower has been that it has offered me an opportunity to grow, stretch, listen to and value different perspectives, and get clarity on what it takes to keep the church operational and functioning! I have learned so much and value those learnings and insights. It has made me realize how important every volunteer, every congregant, every contributor is to the success of the church! I know that the saying “it takes a village” is overused and may sound trite, but it is true. Everyone (volunteer/participant) and everything (time, energy, ideas, care, money) someone contributes to the success of Wildflower is so important to our nourishing the spiritual environment we are all seeking, or we wouldn’t be here.
The work of the Board is important, but it’s not just work. Many past Board members have cited their Board service as the most meaningful experience they have had at the church. It’s an opportunity to learn more about how the church works, bond deeply with a small group of people, enhance leadership skills, and foster spiritual growth.
Because we govern ourselves, it is important that every voting member who is able takes a turn at serving on the Board. It takes all of us chipping in to make this church work, and that includes Board service. Is it your turn at the table? Please read the Board member job description and the frequently asked questions as you ponder that question.
What stands out for me from my Board service is how interesting it was and how much I learned. There are so many decisions that need to be made at a church. It was fascinating learning what it takes to make this church work, and it was humbling being a part of the process. And doing it all while working with amazing people, for the benefit of an incredible organization, was just icing on the cake! I really recommend that every member of the church serve on the Board at some point.
If you feel ready to serve on the Board, please fill out the Statement of Interest Form. The deadline for submission is Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
The congregation will vote on those who submit the packet at the June congregational meeting, with new board members officially taking office July 1.
Being on the Wildflower Board allowed me to connect deeper, try new leadership approaches, and reflect on and serve my community with a dedicated group of people.
Having never been on any type of board, I was really nervous when I started on Wildflower’s. However, my fellow board members made me feel welcome and at-ease, and I love feeling like I’m part of something important!
I joined the Board in July 2014, following some difficult years for our congregation. The Board’s job then was to revitalize the community and re-empower ourselves as a congregation, which we did. We introduced electronic communication among Board members, an innovation that enabled us to do what we needed to do, when we needed to do it, while maintaining full accountability. We also strengthened our partnership with Faith by negotiating the first multi-year space sharing agreement to provide a sense of stability that was important for attracting new members and a minister. I only made it through one year, but in that year we hauled ourselves out of quicksand and back onto ground where we could begin to flourish yet again.