Sunday, December 15, 1:30 pm to 4 pm – Solstice Lantern Making, in the Wildflower Community Room
Drop-in anytime between 1:30 pm to 4 pm to make a solstice lantern from paper art supplies, or bring an item to upcycle, such as a plastic soda bottle or a found object like a small tree branch, and shape your own solstice lantern to take home.
You bring the creativity, we’ll supply the lights and some basic art supplies.
Optional: bring your lantern to the Solstice Parade the following weekend, held on Saturday, December 21, 6 pm – 7 pm, in Pease Park. Gather just after sunset and solstice lanterns of various shapes and styles are encouraged (no flames!) as we walk (or roll or stroll) together in the parade. Bonus: we’ll see Malin, Pease Park’s troll sculpture, along the parade route. Note: Wildflowers are attending this free, family-friendly, public event hosted by Minor Mishap Marching Band. It is an outdoor, mobile procession, on ADA-compliant paths. We encourage attendees to process along the participatory parade route with the group, but of course, there is always to option to sit or stand and watch.
Here are a few idea to spark your lantern making inspiration: