Roots Class (pre-k to first grade) w/Marie:
We’re continuing our class “new normal” routine, which looks like this: We light the chalice We are Unitarian Universalists with minds that think, hearts that love, and hands that are ready to serve, and welcome and celebrate each child individually with the hat song. After everybody is feeling really seen, it’s been a good time to encourage group conversation around the topics that arise from children’s sharing of any joys and concerns.
Next has been story time, this week’s pull from my library is Swimmy by Leo Leoni, one of my favorite readalouds about a fish that comes up with a powerful way to bring his community together to vanquish the fierce big problem that everyone is very worried about. The children liked the way Swimming solved his community’s problem (all the little fish come together and swim about like one big fish, and very satisfactorily chase the other big fish away) but several thought it would be even better if they could ride on the big scary fish. That is how they would solve the problem.
Empowered by all these very good ideas, we changed up our dancing song to be about dancing just like a fish, and you all will have to simply imagine the wonderful fish finned shimmy shimmy shimmy dance moves that followed. Class ends with extinguishing our chalice together on the count of three and singing our closing words: when our hearts are in a holy place, when our hearts are in a holy place, we are blessed with love and amazing grace, when our hearts are in a holy place.
Seedlings Class (2nd-4th grade) w/Piaf:
This week we continued our focus on community, connection and fun with some very silly games. After lighting our chalice and sharing our joys & concerns, we looked at some photo-shopped images of owls with dog heads (and vice-versa), which was quite amusing 🙂 We then brainstormed what the worse animal combos would be and played pictionary using these crazy creatures. I so appreciate this time to gather, enjoy each other’s company, and strengthen the bonds the kids had built pre-pandemic.
Wildflower Youth (5th grade & Middle School) w/Solveij:
Today the youth shared art about “what Spring feels like” to them and other artistic projects they felt like showing us. We also watched a video about how youth climate activists are impacted by and adapting to the pandemic. The youth were really engaged and expressed that they thought it was cool that youth around the world are still doing what they’re passionate about and fighting for what they believe in. They also said it made them feel they wanted to do something. Next week we’ll make posters to participate in the virtual “School Strike 4 Climate” and keep brainstorming ways to be engaged through art and activism. 🙂