Roots Class (pre-k to 1st grade) w/Marie:
Continuing our quarantine pace and structure, sharing joys and concerns (“rose and thorn”) has become the real centerpiece in our time together. Birthday joy, video game victories, worries about school- all big important topics we can be together in, and be seen. We also revisited Swimmy; it’s just so empowering to think about a new idea vanquishing a community problem. Our Zoom times at Wildflower are like that, for children and grownups.
Seedlings Class (2nd to 4th grade) w/Piaf:
This week we connected around the theme of accepting the many emotions that we might feel during these unusual times. We began by reading a comedic book about a monkey who is struggling to admit that he is feeling grumpy. The kids and I were able to relate to that feeling and shared some of the harder times we’ve had recently, with losing patience with siblings, as well as feeling anger and frustration with things we can’t change. We normalized these feelings and brainstormed ways we can care for ourselves when they arise. Finally, we created a silly Mad Libs story on the theme of grumpiness and played around with Zoom’s whiteboard feature.
Wildflower Youth (5th grade & Middle School) w/Solveij:
I’d first like to say I am so grateful to be able to get to know your incredible youth, and connect with them during a time when connection is so very hard to come by! I think we have finally hit our stride on what kind of zoom-friendly activities we can do together that foster expression and connection. Much of this was worked out by youth themselves proposing what we should play, talk about, art projects, etc. I learn so much from them.
We also have been learning about how youth climate activists are organizing virtually during this time, and this week began creating and brainstorming for posters to participate in the virtual Youth Climate Strikes that happen every Friday. Again, they are a super cool bunch and came up with unique, powerful posters so far.