Roots Class (pre-k to first grade) w/Marie:
This week we talked about the corona virus, did a lesson together about hand washing, and each child took home a small book about the virus. We’ll be making a stop at the bathroom sink to wash our hands T the start of each time we gather. Please help your child practice washing all parts of their hand, including the back, and scrub while singing Happy Birthday (twice!) or ABCs.
You can read more about our talk about the virus here:– I wrote our conversation up because I think our words could be helpful to other grownups and children right now. It’s so important to talk together about the big, even scary things that are on our minds.
Seedlings Class (2nd to 4th grade) w/Piaf:
This week we discussed the corona virus and created our own personalized booklet to take home. After talking about what the kids had heard at school and on the playground, we wondered how these experiences relate to our 7 UU principles.
Then, we brainstormed fun hands-free greetings (such as waving, giving a peace sign, foot tapping, and more) and kids chose their favorite to record in their booklet. Next, children chose favorite songs that could hum to themselves while washing their hands for at least 20 seconds. We helped them time the songs so they know how much of it to sing/hum each time and they recorded their chosen song in the booklet. For our next page, we thought about what we could say in response to coronavirus prejudice.
Finally, we created a list of “calm down” things we can do when we’re feeling stressed or upset about this issue. The kids had lots of great self-care ideas, including exercising, breathing, distracting themselves with funny videos, reading, making art, hanging with pets, and talking to an adult.
Wildflower Youth (5th grade & Middle School) w/Solveij:
On Sunday, the youth learned about Frances Harper, a black female abolitionist, poet, and women’s rights activist who joined the Unitarian Church after seeing many Unitarians participating in movements for justice. We reflected on what makes us feel connected to a spiritual community and what we want to do to seek justice, have fun, and enjoy our youth community for the rest of the school year!