Roots class w/Marie (pre-k to first grade):
Welcome to a new year! It was wonderful to gather the children back after our holidays. We played Circle Round the Chalice, read The Mitten (thinking about Reverend Brian’s words a few Sundays ago during the gifts service, about unexpected surprises, and seeing things differently) and made signs to remind our grownups about the warm clothing drive ending next Sunday. If you have HEB gift cards or warm clothing with tags please bring them for asylum seekers at the border. All sizes from infant on up needed, things like hats, mittens, gloves, coats.
Seedlings class w/Piaf (2nd to 4th grade):
This week we talked about New Year’s intentions. First, we warmed up by creating some ridiculous Mad Libs resolutions. One example: Do 4.5 billion push-ups every day 🙂 Then we looked at the 7 UU Principles that we’ve been circling back to every class and brainstormed what kinds of real intentions we could create based on those. Finally, kids chose their favorite one to write up on a paper chain which they attached to the chain of the person next to them. They are now hanging in our classroom to remind us of our interconnected intentions throughout the year.
Wildflower Youth w/Solveij (5th grade & Middle School)
This week the Wildflower Youth group met for the first time in 2020 and practiced circling. We played a game, made a centerpiece based on the values they chose, and explored the topic of an inclusive and connected community. The youth actively listened and shared experiences of inclusion and exclusion with the help of a talking piece.