Roots (pre-k to first grade) w/Marie:

We’re looking at the way some homes are based on friendship- next class the children will hear about Ruth and Naomi from the book of Ruth, and this week we read the true story of a very special and surprising friendship between a baby hippo and a very old tortoise. Home is a place where we are cared for, and that caretaking can look many different ways. 
In the spirit of animals I had to sing All God’s Critters Have a Place in the Choir with the children. I think we’ll sing it together more, it was a definite hit 🙂 

Seedlings (2nd to 4th grade) w/Piaf:

We continued our work on creating a UU board game based on our 7 principles. Since we have been referring back to them throughout the year, this is a fun way to consolidate our understanding of them and increase our familiarity with these core principles that we believe in at Wildflower. The next time we meet (Mar 1), the game will be ready to play, yay!

Wildflower Youth (5th & Middle School) w/Solveij:

On Sunday, a Wildflower community elder and climate justice activist, Susan Lippman, visited us to share her story. She talked about feeling confused as a white youth who had not experienced the pain of racism and segregation as black people did in the US. She recalled wondering why MLK and the civil rights movement leaders seemed to “be in such a hurry”, and our youth shared that many had similar confusion about why modern BLM activists are protesting. As an adult, Susan came to realize that what had been represented as “disruptive” acts of civil disobedience to her by the media were so important in making segregation and anti-black racism visible to the public, and the victories of the civil rights movement. We talked about how civil disobedience is a legacy from Thoreau, Ghandi and MLK that our youth are only four links away from the start of, and how it is a strategy of Xtinction Rebellion, a climate justice movement Susan is active in.