Welcome! We’re Glad You’re Here!
Become a member of Wildflower Church.
Curious about Unitarian Universalism? Wonder what Wildflower Unitarian Universalist Church is all about? Interested in becoming a Voting Member of Wildflower UU Church?
We periodically host Orientations to Membership typically Sunday afternoons after a worship service. They last about 2 hours, and you’ll learn a lot about these topics. You’ll also meet some of our Board members and Team Chairs, as well as others who are interested in Wildflower. Please contact membership@wildflowerchurch.org if you’d like to attend an Orientation. We’d love to get to know you better!

Membership – Kim Rodriguez (membership@wildflowerchurch. org)
We want people to feel welcome at Wildflower Church from the first time they attend. We are committed to radical hospitality and the Membership Team provides leadership to support our visitors and help them make connections within the Wildflower community. When possible, team members host the Welcome Table in the Community Room after worship to provide information and answer questions about the congregation. We help people get involved in activities that match their interests and help them feel a part of our church family.
We organize Orientations to Membership to help people understand Wildflower’s culture, structure, and history and how to become involved in the life of the congregation. We welcome new members and pledging friends
Membership Integration Team – Jan Austin and Cathy Cramer (membership@wildflowerchurch.org) helps people get involved in activities that match their interests and will help them feel a part of our church family. The team also assists in finding leaders for congregational teams that need them.