Roots Class (k – 2nd) w/Marie:
Hello, I hope everyone is doing okay after the storm. Today we shared our experiences and heard about creative ways we stayed warm, got some snow play in, and heard about helping and being helped by others. 

Seeing a Roots student and her mom last Sunday was a wonderful surprise for me– many Wildflower members brought supplies to help a community in need near our church, and we sorted and loaded those supplies from a big blue tarp in my front yard for transport to the community. 

Seedlings Class (3rd-5th) w/Piaf & Wildflower Youth (Middle & High School) w/Solveij:

This week we began by checking in about our experiences with last week’s snow storm. Then we continued a discussion we had begun at our last meeting about video games. In what ways can they bring us connection and joy? In what ways do we need to monitor our consumption and press for more diverse and inclusive games? Finally, kids & youth shared song ideas for the upcoming Young People’s Service on March 28.